

Since 1986 Mountain Flame has sold and built more Tulikivi soapstone fireplaces in North America than anyone. Let us show you how the comfort of radiant heat from Tulikivi's masonry heaters, bakeovens and wood stoves is pleasant long-lasting warmth and so efficient (with less wood). A Tulikivi fireplace made from original Finnish soapstone emits heat evenly over the whole room, remaining comfortably warm for many hours, even after the fire has gone out. It is truly a different experience from a typical wood stove that you’ll love. Just ask a family that owns one.

Tulikivi’s uniqueness extends to how customizable it is. Benches and other details can accent the beauty of the stove. We can design a sandblasting or an inlay to create a personal design for you. You can make it truly your own!

Many models are designed to include a bake oven for pizzas, roasting meats and vegetables, and baking bread or almost anything you would do in a regular oven. There’s nothing like food straight out of a wood-fired oven!

Warm soapstone is huggable like an old friend. It adds beauty, comfort, love and life to any home.

Our tulikivis are custom built on site.

Our tulikivis are custom built on site.
